Thursday, May 26, 2011

Next Year -- Dual Language

I came into Bethel to work on the reading curriculum. After three days (I was scheduled to work at least five) it looked like we were going to have more worker bees than work. Dual Language training was just starting at the Cultural Center. Since I was told that we are doing DL next year I asked if I could sit in. It was approved and so I spent my day listening to Dr. Gomez give his spiel about why DL will work.

I must say that he convinced me. I can't say that I am excited about only teaching Language Arts and Math next year (Science and Social Studies are fun) but I am excite about what DL can do for the kids if done correctly.

The next two days will be on the actual practices of the Gomez and Gomez program. I almost, almost, wish next year was here already so that we may start.

Concerns: We do not have the advantages of other minority language programs. Not too many publishing companies have a call to publish the latest Yugtan book. We do have 30 years worth of material that has been created that may be used. Which sounds like a lot but is just a very good start on what is needed. Yugtan is an oral language that is not traditionally written. This comes with its own problems and concerns. One word is an entire sentence. Translations are not easily done on the same grade level which is part of the reason that Yugtan curriculum material need to be developed in its own right. There are not Yugtan words for osmosis, Senate or 100s of other subject specific vocabulary. This problem can be dealt with in two ways which has yet to be decided. I will need to learn some basic Yugtan. I do know several words but will still need to learn some more. I like the thought of learning but I am worried if I will be able to learn enough, well enough to do the job correctly. Yugtan is not an easy language to learn for someone who has trouble hearing the different letter sounds.

Concerns, yes but the advantages for the students far out way them.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Does anyone have a lance?

Ha! Ha! I figured out how to post pictures...

Here are 4 of our five new windmills. Only three are finished in this picture. We are lucky that it has remained as cold as it has. There was some doubt as to whether or not it would be possible to get them up before spring thaw.


I totally forgot that I have a blog! I was "spring cleaning" and found some old notes I had made for the class that required me to start it. I decided to see if I could still remember my password and WOW! I did!

Blogging has never interested me too much but I realize that many schools require class websites. Maybe I will use this blog as a testing ground. After all, as only 3, 4? people are "followers" (and are most probably not interested in this blog anyway) I will feel free to try without too many people seeing my mistakes.

???? hmmmm ???? More thought is required. Should check out other teacher blogs in my oh, so abundant free time.
