I have not checked in on this poor lil' old blog in a very loooonnnng time. I was actually searching for my Weebly site that I had to create for my grad class last summer when I had the thought of "Oh, yeah, I should see if I still remember how to find my own blog too, while I'm at it." Plus, I had thought about it earlier today when I was in PE with my kiddos and I had spontaneously come up with a reeealllly fun new game for them to play (I named it Walrus Tag). The children had sooo much fun playing and it was so funny to watch them! It would have been hilarious to have had a video of it to share --especially when they started rolling around like manic dervishes.
I love the thought of blogging, keeping track of ideas and how they worked (or didn't) but to be honest I was intimidated by all the wonderful teacher blogs out there. Graphics, products and tech savvy geniuses, oh my, how could I possibly dare to put my poor postings up on the 'net?! I really have no expectations of anyone seeing my post (although I will admit to a 5 minute fantasy of being a world renowned blogger, being invited to talk shows and signing tours around the world-- I think that I really just liked the idea of the world travel). ANNNNNND I am the worlds worst keep-on-top-of-things-if-they-don't-have-a-deadline type of person. So no grand blogging career is in my future (which is kinda a relief--I have enough pressure in my life, thank you very much).
So I now give myself permission to be the world's worst blogger and to just enjoy. ---like right now one of my favorite shows just came on and even though I had a lot more that I wanted to write about --some good ideas and such-- I think I will go and sit my flabby butt on the couch and happily zone out without a bit of regret!
Happy times!! =)