Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Cabin Fever Reliever"

Our cohort leader for tonight's class entitled it "Cabin Fever Reliever".  Loved it!  She had a wonderful presentation about ---

......... and that was as far as I got, way back in the middle of February, before something else distracted me.  J had wonderful advice about staying sane this time of year, especially for bush teachers, who do not have the options of stress relief that other, more urban teachers may have.  I love our cohort meetings.  Having a group of people that you can talk to who are going through similar things as you really helps.  Just knowing that you are not alone is a type of relief medicine.  I really admire the ladies in our group who have families and other demands on their time.  I do not have family living with me and I barely find the time to get everything done that I need to do. 

It is so important to have people in your life that you can talk to or who understand what you are going through.

I am happy to report that I am glad that I am part of the ANE CALL grant master's program.  It is very stressful and barely keeping my head above water but even if I were to wash out tomorrow I have already learned so much and have meet wonderful, fabulous, terrific people!  It is an honor.

Gush much?